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[Shadergraph] Hitting Esc while click and dragging to reorder properties will leave a blue highlight in the blackboard

Package: Shader Graph


When a user clicks and drags a property to reorder it in the inspector, but hits the escape key before releasing the mouse, it will leave a blue highlight bar on the blackboard window.

Repro Steps:
1. Create a new ShaderGraph
2. Enter the ShaderGraph
3. Create three Vector1 Properties
4. Click on the third Vector1 you created and drag so it's about to be placed between the first and second Vector1 - Don't let go of the mouse!
5. Press the Escape key

Actual Results:
A blue highlight bar will remain on the blackboard window

Expected Results:
The highlight would disappear and your currently selected Vector1 Property would be deselected

This did not reproduce on Shadergraph version 6.9.2

  1. Resolution Note:

    This will be resolved by a future change to the blackboard.

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