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Fixed in 10.1.X



Found in [Package]

Master (2d24394584)

Issue ID




[Stacks][HDRP] Transmission and Energy Conserving Specular Color should appear only in their respective modes

Package: Shader Graph


Also needs to be fixed in 9.x.x
Repro steps:
1. Create a new HDRP Lit shadergraph
2. Go to the graph inspector under Surface Option
3. Scroll down to "Transmission" and "Energy Conserving Specular"
Expected result: Transmission option should only exist when Material Type is set to Subsurface Scattering and Energy Conserving Specular Color option should only exist when Material Type is set to Specular Color.
Actual result: these options exist regardless of Material Type

  1. Resolution Note (fix version 10.1):


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