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Shader Graph "Save Asset" button is replaced by the small button



How to reproduce:
1. Create a new project
2. Create any Shader Graph Asset and open it
3. Observe the “Save” button in the left upper corner of the Shader Graph window

Expected result: The button size is normal and comfortable to use
Actual result: The button is really small considering the amount of free space

Reproducible with: 2023.3.0a8, 2023.3.0b3
Not reproducible with: 2022.3.18f1, 2023.2.4f1, 2023.3.0a7

Reproducible on: Windows 11 Pro
Not reproducible on: No other environment tested

  1. Resolution Note:

    This is not a bug, but an improvement for consistency with other Graph windows (VFX Graph).

    Also, there are now keyboard shortcuts for Save (Ctrl+S) and Save As (Ctrl+Shift+S).

    The same applies to other Shader Graph toolbar buttons.

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