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~ 5.2.1
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[Shader Graph] Rename input box for property group remains active while you perform other actions
If you activate the renaming of a shader group in the shader editor, but then click off it before doing so, the rename input box remains active.
NOTE that if you have any part of the group name selected or have renamed before performing another action it behaves as expected.
1. Create a new project.
2. Install the Shader Graph package. (Window -> Shader Graph)
3. Create a new graph. (i.e. Assets -> Create -> Shader -> Unlit Graph)
4. Open the new graph in the shader editor.
5. In the property blackboard, double click the group name to rename it.
6. Do not rename the the group or select the group name's text. Try performing any other action. (i.e. create a new node in the graph, changing the mode of a property)
Expected Outcome: The renaming field that is activated will deactivate. You would have to double click it again to rename the group.
Actual Outcome: The renaming field remains active, like you can still edit the name no matter what other actions you perform.
Reproducible in package version 7.1.6, 6.9.0, 5.7.2, 5.2.1
Not Reproducible in package version 2.0.1, 3.0.0, 4.10.0
Couldn't find a unity version with packages between 4.10.0 and 5.2.1 that didn't throw a lot of errors.
The regression is possibly in an older version than 5.2.1.
- If you do the same thing with renaming a blackboard property instead of the group, it behaves as expected.
- If you have any part of the group name text selected then it behaves as expected.
- GIF of this occurring attached below.
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