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Fixed in 9.0.0



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[Shader Graph] Property's reference names are allowed to start with a number, plugging it in results in a parse error

Package: Shader Graph


Repros in 7.0.1, 7.1.7, and SRP master
Doesn't repro in 6.9.1

Repro steps:
1. Create a shadergraph and open it
2. Add a blackboard property
3. Name the property anything beginning with a number
4. Drag the property onto the graph and plug it into the master node
Expected result: if you name the property something starting with a number, it will prefix it with an underscore (this is the behavior in 6.9.1 and earlier)
Actual result: you are allowed to name the property something starting with a number, and plugging it in will cause parse errors on the master node.

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