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Fixed in 8.0.0



Found in [Package]


Issue ID




[Shader Graph] Package Description makes no mention of support for Universal RP

Package: Shader Graph


The package description for Shader Graph states that it is compatible with LWRP and HDRP, but it does not mention Universal RP. This is potentially confusing. Universal RP should be mentioned in some capacity.

This probably affects the documentation as well, which will need to be updated.

1. Open Unity
2. Create a new project with any settings
3. Open Package Manager via Window > Package Manager
4. Find the latest Shader Graph package
5. Inspect the description

Expected Result:
The package should list all render pipelines it supports.

Actual Result:
The package does not mention Universal RP.

Tested on Windows.

Occurs on 7.0.0 with 2019.3.0a11

  1. Resolution Note (fix version 8.0.0):

    Fixed with 2020.1.0b1 (8.0.1)

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