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Setting invalid values in a RectTransform doesn't throw any errors and leads to new issues



It is possible for the user to set 'Inifinity' and 'NaN' values in a RectTransform which can lead to obscure behaviour.

It's pretty easy for a user to make a mistake and end up doing this by accident. However, it can be a bit of a nightmare to track down where the initial point of failure was due to a lack of error reporting and the obedience of the UI system to try and obey nonsensical sizes and positions.

Reproduction steps:
1. Download + Open StupidScene in the attached project
2. Press Play

Expected result: A very clear error telling me I set a stupid value for the size of the RectTransform (and preferably either no change to the size of the RectTransform, or a change to (0, 0))

Actual result: Obscure NaN values and an 'Invalid AABB inAABB' error (if using the 'SetInfinite' StupidTask)

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