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[Services] Titles and external links under services appear to be flickering on resizing the project settings windows
On resizing the Project Settings window, the texts under services containing links for docs/dashboard and titles appear to be flickering as they are not aligned properly
Steps To Reproduce:
1. Create a new project
2. Edit > Project Settings
3. Dock the window if not already
4. Select any option(Ads, Analytics etc) under services
5. Resize the window by dragging it from the right corner
Expected Result: The window resizes and all the elements are aligned accordingly
Observed Result: The texts containing links flicker a lot
Reproducible On: 2020.1.0a18, 2020.1.0a14
Not Reproducible On: 2020.1.0a13
Note: In 2020.1.0a14, "Services" was integrated in "Project Settings" window
Environment: Occurs only on Windows
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