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[SerializeReference] Self-referencing fields are not serialized when creating an asset from a class using CreateAssetMenu



How to reproduce:
1. Open the user attached project using the EnvIronman VM
2. Go to Assets -> Create -> FlowNodeBug in the top menu bar
3. Check the created Asset in the Project Window

Expected results: 'Next' and 'Prev' fields are serialized in the WrappedFlowNode Class (see attached screenshot)
Actual results: 'Next' and 'Prev' fields are not serialized

Reproducible with: 2019.3.0a2, 2019.3.0b9, 2020.1.0a11

The project on Unity versions 2019.3.0a1 and earlier could not be tested due to compilation errors

Additional note: The fields are serialized successfully if a class is attached to a GameObject

  1. Resolution Note:

    Self referencing fields (fields that have the same type as the hosting managed class) are not supported by the Unity serialization and therefore not considered during the serialization/transfer process. A workaround is indeed to use an interface.

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