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Serialization depth exceeded warning thrown when serializing List with 0 elements



To reproduce:
1. Open attached project
2. Open scene "asd". It contains a Class "Node" which has a list of Nodes inside
3. Note the console - Serialization depth limit exceeded warnings have been thrown, even though the list size is set to 0

Regression since 4.3.4f1

It is a cycle that's causing this. The warning was added in 4.5, but it just warns about performance issues that have always been there.

Comments (3)

  1. jocktmp8

    May 11, 2023 23:26


  2. samsunrock266

    Jul 31, 2019 11:26

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  3. retraffic

    Feb 27, 2015 11:07

    how can this be "By Design" if the list size is 0?
    I understand that there can be a warning about this but not something that is marked as an error and that it happens all 5 seconds even though there is no depth exceeding actually happening. the list has 0 elements after all..

    my console output is completely unreadable.

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