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Selection failures after spawning object on other plane

Package: Mobile AR Template



Using the AR mobile Template, I spawned two objects.  Tapping the first object doesn't select it; instead the second object highlights for an instant, and no trash can button appears, meaning that no object is selected.  After tapping on the first object several times it will highlight and the trash can appears.  See SelectBug.MOV attached.

Also, often when I tap-and-drag an unselected object, instead of moving the object, a new object is spawned at the ending point of my drag.

And sometimes tapping on a plane does not spawn an object, until I have tapped the same location several times.  


+How to See the Bug+

Open the attached repro project in Unity 2022.3.15f1. 

Deploy Scenes/SampleScene to an Android phone. 

Scan part of your floor and the bottom of a walll where it meets the floor. 

Tap to place an object on the floor.  

Move, scale, and rotate the object to make the tutorial UI go away. 

Tap to place an object on the wall. 

Tap the first object (the object on the floor). 

If the second object (on the wall) highlights for an instant but the first object does not, and if the trash can button does not appear, then you have seen the bug. 

Tapping the first object several times will select it.



Unity 2022.3.15f1 (Branch: main, Commit: ee7de2c0)

Samsung 23 Ultra

MacBook Pro - Intel


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