Search Issue Tracker


Fixed in 2023.2.13f1, 6000.0.0b1



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Issue ID




Search window has inconsistent naming for sort options



*Steps to reproduce:*
# Create a project
# Go to "Window" -> "Search" -> "New Window"
# Enter the "bbb" into the search window
# Verify that the window presents the message "No results found for bbb."
# Click "Sort current group results"
# Select "More" and observe the displayed sort options list

*Actual results:* Sort options naming is inconsistent, some are shown as code snippets - "Sort By Filename" or "Sort By Prefabstatus". A screenshot is added in the "Attachments" section.

*Expected results:* All sort options should be in human language (consistently user-friendly with spaces).

*Reproducible with versions:*  2023.2.9f1, 2023.3.0b7

*Not reproducible with versions:* - 

*Can’t test with versions:* 2021.3.33f1 and 2022.3.19f1 as these streams have an old search windows and old functionality.

*Tested on (OS):* Mac, Sonoma 14.2.1


  1. Resolution Note (fix version 6000.0.0b1):

    Closing this ticket since a PR with a fix has already landed on 2023.3.0b10, before it was transfered to 6000.0.x

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