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Search for components is only partially case insensitive

Package: Bolt


Have a project with Bolt set up.
1. Create a bolt class in Assets. (Right-Click -> Create -> Bolt -> Bolt Class)
2. Create a new Graph and open it. (+ under 'Graphs' in the new Bolt Class)
3. Right-click graph to bring up the Search, and search for something, such a Bolt Class or a variable type.

Example: Your class is named 'TestingClass', and has class variables.
Searches that work: TestingClass, testingclass, testingClass, testinClass, testclass, testinGClass
Searches that don't work: TESTINGCLASS, testingCLass

Search works with strangely placed capitals only if that capital appears in a later part of the search result i.e. TestinGClass only works because the capital G is picking up the 'G' from 'Get' in a result such as 'TestingClass.Get [variable]'.

*Expected Result:* Search will still find your Bolt Class.
*Actual Result:* Search can't find anything.

Another example: 'float'
Searches that work: float, Float, flot, foat
Searches that don't work: fLoat, FLOAT, FLoat

- Bolt 1's search does not appear to be case sensitive at all.
- Issue occurs in 2.0.0a6, can't get an earlier version of Bolt 2 running so setting Regression to 'No'
- If everything is in lower case, the word can still be found.
- If the word is spelt incorrectly, the word can still be found.
- If a Bolt Class is in all caps, i.e. "TESTINGBOLTCLASS" any combination of cases will work.
- First letter seems to be case insensitive
- I keep accidentally typing with an extra capital or two when searching, so have run into this a lot.

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