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SceneManager.UnloadSceneAsync doesn't work parallel with "allowSceneActivation = false"

To reproduce:
1. Open attached project ""
2. Open "Test" scene.
3. Make sure, that "Scene1" and "Scene2" are in a hierarchy. And then Play this scene.
4. As you can see, "Scene2" is grayed out, but "Sphere" is still visible. Both "LoadSceneAsync" and "UnloadSceneAsync" got stopped by allowSceneActivation = false.
5. If you press "left mouse button" allowSceneActivation will be set to "true", and only now "Scene2" can be unloaded.

Actual result: AsyncOperation "allowSceneActivation = false" also stops "UnloadSceneAsync" which is on a different AsyncOperation.
Expected result: "allowSceneActivation = false" should not stop "UnloadSceneAsync" because you may need to unload a scene, while the other one is loading.

Reproducible with: 5.5.0a6, 5.5.0f3, 5.6.0b3

Notes: UnloadSceneAsync added in Unity 5.5

Comments (2)

  1. dotsquid

    Sep 30, 2017 14:29

    Totally agree with EVERY f-cking Paulo's word.
    How that event possible to design such stupid behaviour?
    Get your sh*t together Unity.

  2. paulomuggler

    Jul 18, 2017 22:12

    By design? Really? Can you give a practical example of how that m-fing quirky behavior is even meaningful? Or even better, how is it more meaningful than the apparently more sensible, expected result of having separate scene loading conditions for separate AsyncOperations?

    Geez, I don't even know what to say, and I think I just puked in my mouth a little.

    There should be a resolution for issues like this, called "By *BAD* Design".

    Makes me wonder if Unity will ever even reach a baseline level of polish and reliability across the board on all its features. I am hard pressed to find a single area in which Unity doesn't have quirks in usability and other bugs like that.

    Maybe pay for more developers, or better developers? I don't know, look at you Unity, it's been quite a few years, you're all grown up now. Such a big company should be quite able to just deal with this type of sh*t. Milking the asset store and forcing subscription-only models down our throat will only ever take you that far, you know, if we can't actually get to make the games and software we want using your engine.

    Such a shame!


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