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Postponed means that the issue was either a feature request or something that requires major refactoring on our side. Since that makes the issue not actionable in the close future we choose to close it as Postponed and add it on our internal roadmaps and technical debt pages instead.




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SceneManager.LoadSceneAsync freezes the editor when loading scenes with a lot of GameObjects

Reproduction steps:
1. Open the attached project
2. Open the "Menu" scene
3. Enter Play mode
4. Press any of the buttons on the screen

Expected: Unity Editor loads the selected scene in the background
Actual: Unity Editor freezes when loading a scene asynchronously

Reproducible on: 5.3.7p1, 5.4.4f1, 5.5.0p3, 5.6.0b3, though on 5.3.7p1 the scene is loaded much faster

Tested on Windows 10;

Note, this only happens in the Editor, standalone builds are fine.

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