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SceneManager.LoadScene Unable to unload scene.

Scene Management


I have a Canvas button that triggers the SceneManager.LoadScene(). The issue is that it calls the OnBecameInvisible() method. This will causes a scene to appear in my Hierarchy that I cannot remove. Any edits to the scene at this point will not be saved.

I know i have caused this double sceneload but at this point I have to restart. Unity should be able to handle this gracefully.

Steps to reproduce.
- Open the attached project and load the scene RobbyTestScene
- Play the scene.
- Click the "Reset Scene" button a few times.
- Stop the scene
NOTICE ISSUE >> RobbieTestScene (is Loading) appears in the Hierarchy.

Clicking the dropdown beside the scene and selecting "Remove Scene" has no effect. Edit the scene and try to save. Error appears in console.

2018.1.0f1, 2018.1.0f2, 2018.3.0a10

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