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Scaling camera view which was created by using "Handles.DrawCamera" rescales "Game View" camera's height as well



When using Handles.DrawCamera to draw camera view on another window, rescaling that window results in a Game view camera scale change as well(inspect attached gif)

Steps to reproduce:
1. Open attached window
2. Go to window -> Test window
3. Select "Main Camera" in the hierarchy (camera should start rendering in "Test window")
4. Scale "Test window" height
-Camera in "Game view" also gets rescaled

Actual result: Every scaling that is done on "Test window" effects "Game view" as well.
Expected result: Scaling "Test window" should not result in a "Game view" changes.

Reproduced on: 5.5.0b4, 5.4.1f1, 5.3.6p5, 5.2.3p3

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