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Fixed in 2018.3.X



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Saving upgraded project doesn't update the ProjectVersion.txt if no changes are made



How to reproduce:
1. Create a new project in any Unity version
2. Open the same project in new Unity version
3. File > Save Project
4. Exit Unity
5. Open the ProjectVersion.txt inside "ProjectSettings" folder

Actual result: Unity doesn't update the project's Editor version.
Expected result: Unity should update the project's Editor version after pressing Save Project.

Reproducible with: 2018.2.0a6, 2018.1.0b13, 2017.4.1f1, 2017.3.2f1, 2017.2.2p2, 2017.1.3p2.

Editor version is updated if any changes are made inside the project.

fixed in 2018.3.0a1

Comments (2)

  1. andisopany

    Jul 13, 2018 20:18

    Just a warning to everyone that this may lead to a broken project.

    In my case I upgraded to 2018.2 but didnt save anything, then by mistake opened with a previous version of unity. Many of my prefabs are now broken which is forcing me to revert about a weeks worth of work.

  2. LW

    Jun 12, 2018 13:31

    This is still a bug and is not fixed.

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