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"Root Asset with id 0 not valid!!" Error occurs on upgrading a project from Unity 5.5 to 2018.2.0b2

Scene Hierarchy


Error occurs after upgrading a project created with 5.5 to 2018.1 to 2018.2.0b2 Unity version

Steps to Repro:
1. Create a new project with unity 5.5
2. Open the same project with 2017.3 or 2018.1 (Required)
3. Now, upgrade the project with 2018.2.0b3
4. Right-click project window > one column layout
5. Click the arrow icon to expand any folder in the list view of the project window

Actual Result:
1. Observe console for errors

Working with:
2018.1.0b1, 2018.2.0a5

Occurring with:
2018.3.0a1, 2018.2.0b3, 2018.2.0b2

Windows and Mac

Stack Trace:
Root Asset with id 0 not valid!!

  1. Resolution Note (2019.1.X):

    Hi there,

    We really appreciate your contribution to the Unity product. Thank you for reporting this issue. We take every case submitted to us seriously by investigating the impact on you, our customer, as well as the impact it may have on the engineering and experience of our product.

    This particular case has been investigated thoroughly and we have decided, in the interests of protecting the stability and features of Unity for users that rely upon the affected versions, to not address this fix for the time being. We understand that this will cause problems for some users, and so may address in a future version.

    Unity QA Team

Comments (4)

  1. YiHan-GI

    Jul 11, 2019 10:19

    I also met this problem, after I migrated my project from 2018.2.9 to 2019.1.9.

    Does "won't fix" means it is ok to have this problem? Should we just ignore it?

  2. NeatWolf

    Jun 13, 2019 07:27

    Hi there!

    May I ask how did you fix that? I'm having the same issue by transitioning from Unity 5.5.6 to Unity 2019.1.6f1

    Root Asset id 18682 and 17118.

    I would love to at least know a way to know which assets are these.

  3. Ashwink2

    May 01, 2019 07:37

    Every time i am suggesting my friends to Join this next level game platform and enjoy without download this game.

  4. GameEverything

    May 12, 2018 17:13

    Same deal. It's annoying, but everything still seems to work. I'll edit my comment if I come up with a workaround.

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