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Rigidbody Freeze rotation and position in combination with FixedJoint yields erratic behaviour



How to reproduce:
A: Run the "Scene01" scene in the attached example project and observe how cubes act
B: The setup explained below

A. Create two cubes, place them one unit apart
B. Attach a rigidbody to both, freeze position in the Z axis and rotation in Y on both cubes
C. Rotate both differently with low numbers in the x and y axis
D. Add a fixed joint to one cube and use the other as the connected body
E. Add a surface underneath the cubes for them to drop on
F. Run the project
G: Remove the Fixedjoint, then re add it, the problem persists

  1. Resolution Note:

    DOF lock introduces a lot of problems when used with Joints and it's not expected to work fully. Use Joints instead of DOF lock/RB constraints.

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