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Referred style sheet stays dirty after saving when using the UIBuilder



Reproduction steps:
1. Create a new 3D project
2. Open the Terminal in the directory in which the project exists
3. Initialize the Git repository with ‘git init’
4. Open the “Assets/Scenes/SampleScene.unity” scene
5. In the Project window, create a new C# Script
6. Open the created C# Script with Rider IDE
7. Add some code to the C# Script, such as “Debug.log(“test“);” in the Start() method, and save the file
8. In the Unity Editor, in the Hierarchy window, add any GameObject, but do not save the scene
9. Open the Rider IDE and enable the check next to “Changes” to select all the changed files
10. Write a commit message and click “Commit”

Expected result: Rider commits without any warnings
Actual result: Rider throws an “Unsaved Unity State“ warning

Alternative repro steps:
1. Import the attached UUM-49819-DirtyAssets.unitypackage2.
2. Open Window->UI Toolkit->TestAssetDirty
3. Save the scene using file->save
4. Click "Scan for dirty assets"
5. Should show that "everything is clean"
6. Open Editor/TestTemplate in the UIBuilder
7. Press save again to make sure everything is saved
8. Click Scan for dirty assets

Expected: "Everything is clean!"
Actual: "Dirty Asset:Assets/Editor/MainStyle.uss"

Reproducible with: 2021.3.30f1, 2022.3.10f1, 2023.1.15f1, 2023.2.0b11, 2023.3.0a7

Reproducible on: Ubuntu 23.04, Windows 10 Pro 22H2
Not reproducible on: no other environments tested

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