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References to Prefab instance are lost when PrefabUtility.SaveAsPrefabAsset is called by passing the Prefab Instance's clone

Scene Management


How to reproduce:
1. Download and open the attached project ""
2. Open the "TargetScene" Scene
3. Select "TestGameObject" in the Hierarchy
4. Add "Group (2)" GameObject's child as a reference to the TestScript's "go" field
5. Save the Scene
6. Update the "SourceRootPrefab" Asset (Test -> Run (with clone))
7. Select TestGameObject in the Hierarchy

Expected result: TestScript's reference to the child of SourceRootPrefab GameObject is kept
Actual result: TestScript's reference to the child of SourceRootPrefab GameObject is lost

Reproducible with: 2018.4.12f1, 2019.2.10f1, 2019.3.0b8, 2020.1.0a11

References to the first level children and Group(1) children of the SourceRootPrefab will be kept, all the other references will be lost.
References of affected GameObjects' components will also be lost.
Affected GameObjects will not have Lightmap applied to them either.
Prefab Utility.SaveAsPrefabAsset was not introduced in Unity 2017.4, therefore the issue was not reproducible

  1. Resolution Note:

    The problem here is that the Prefab's GameObjects does not have unique names. This is required for name based replace to retain references. This is stated in the documention:

    "If you are saving over an existing Prefab, Unity tries to preserve references to the Prefab itself and the individual parts of the Prefab such as child GameObjects and Components. To do this, it matches the names of GameObjects between the new saved Prefab and the existing Prefab.
    Note: Because this matching is done by name only, if there are multiple GameObjects with the same name in the Prefab's hierarchy, you cannot predict which will be matched. Therefore if you need to ensure your references are preserved when saving over an existing prefab, you must ensure all GameObjects within the Prefab have unique names."

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