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Fixed in 2021.2.X

Fixed in 2020.3.X



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Issue ID




Recovery GameObject is created when opening scene with missing Prefab as a child of other GameObject

Scene Management


Reproduction steps:
1. Open attached project ""
2. Open "SampleScene"
3. Create a new GameObject in the Hierarchy window
4. Drag new GameObject to Assets folder in Project window to make it into a Prefab
5. Save the Scene
6. Delete newly created Prefab from Assets folder
7. Reopen "SampleScene"
8. Drag GameObject to "Parent"
9. Save the Scene and reopen it

Expected result: No Recovery GameObject is created after reopening a Scene with missing Prefab as a child of other GameObject
Actual result: Recovery GameObject is created after reopening a Scene with missing Prefab as a child of other GameObject

Reproducible with: 2020.1.12f1, 2020.1.17f1, 2020.2.0f1, 2021.1.0a10
Not reproducible with: 2018.4.30f1, 2019.4.17f1, 2020.1.11f1

  1. Resolution Note (fix version 2021.2):

    Fixed in 2021.2.0a9

  2. Resolution Note (fix version 2020.3):

    Fixed in 2020.3.23f1

Comments (4)

  1. miraclefavor775

    Jul 16, 2024 20:16

    This happened to me recently someone got my wallet hacked and my BTC was stolen, I contacted 2 tech but they took my money.This might had Happened To you or IF anyone or someone you know has been scammed, it is crucial to notify the proper authorities as soon as possible to help to recover lost funds and to prevent others from being victimized. Just After many trials , I Hired SACLUX COMPTECH SPECIALST They Investigated,Track and traced it back to the wallet where my BTC went through. I thought that was the end but fortunately for me, I got it back real quick with the help of saclux comptech specialst He is legit and very diligent with his work. Hire their service & Thank me late

  2. albertmccarthy66

    May 30, 2024 07:00

    I can gladly thank WIZARD GHOST HACKER Contact via Email :GHOSTCHAMPIONWIZARD(AT) GMAIL (DOT) COM for the magic job they did for me when I was very frustrated and about ending my life in the last month of 2023 the online investment I did was a scam zone since 2023 is ending I decide to withdraw my funds I deposited through USDT for the trading of BTC a total amount of 98,456 $ the site denial me of withdrawing the money I invested and I still have profit on the site wallet so I was so devasted because that was my only hope of money and that was my only savings so I search for online for the best Wizard and I got a lot of lists and I selected 3 different Wizard and contact them via email and all asked for an upfront payment so a friend gave me a contact of another Wizard who instantly asked for only details and information within 24 hours he was done recovering my funds thou it was not complete but I was able to get back 87,750 $ he is the best Wizard give him a try and have your problem solve via: GHOSTCHAMPIONWIZARD AT GMAIL DOT COM

  3. sachint04

    Oct 08, 2022 10:39

    Also reproducible in 2020.3.14f1

  4. Bubsavvy

    Jan 06, 2021 04:46

    Also reproducible in 2020.2.1f1

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