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Re-download button in "My Assets" is misaligned, doesn't match the Editor style, and has a weird "on hover" change



How to reproduce:
1. Create a new Unity project
2. Go to Window -> Package Manager -> My Assets
3. Make sure you have a downloaded Asset
4. Click the arrow button near the "Import" button in the Package Manager Inspector
5. Observe the opened dropdown

Expected result: The dropdown matches the Editor's style and "on hover" actions
Actual result: The dropdown is opened slightly to the side, doesn't match the Editor style, and "on hover" action looks like the text was selected

Reproducible with: 6000.0.16f1
Can't test with: 2021.3.43f1, 2022.3.43f1 (A separate button for re-download)

Reproducible on: macOS Sonoma 14.5 (M1)
Not reproducible on: No other environment tested

  1. Resolution Note:

    Issue has been fixed as part of another bugfix.
    Duplicate of another internal issue: UUM-78168: U6 toolbar background in light mode should use another shade of gray

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