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Fixed in 1.21.21, 2.1.0



Found in [Package]


Issue ID




Profiler throws “KeyNotFoundException” errors for remote catalogs when inspecting Profiler frames

Package: Addressables


How to reproduce:
1. Open the “Addressable Playground” project
2. Open the Addressable Groups window (Window > Asset Management > Addressables > Groups)
3. Make sure “Play Mode Script” is set to "Use Existing Build"
4. Build the Addressable Groups (Addressable Groups > Build > New Build > Default Build Script)
5. Open the Addressable Hosting window (Window > Asset Management > Addressables > Hosting)
6. Make sure to enable Hosting on the “Local Hosting 0” service
7. Open the Profiler window (Window > Analysis > Profiler)
8. Enter Play Mode for 5 seconds then exit Play Mode
9. In the Profiler select any frame within the “Addressable Assets” category

Expected result: No “KeyNotFoundException” error is thrown to the Console
Actual result: The “KeyNotFoundException” error is thrown to the Console

Reproduced with: 1.21.19 (2022.3.14f1, 2023.2.2f1)
Could not test with: 1.21.12-1.21.18 (2022.3.7f1) (Requires deleting the Library to open the project therefore the issue does not reproduce), 1.21.19 (2021.3.32f1) (Addressable profiler detailed view supported on Unity Editor 2022.2 or later), 2.0.3-2.0.6 (2023.2.2f1, 2023.3.0a16) (Errors are thrown when entering Play Mode)

Reproduced on: macOS 14.1.1 (by reporter), Windows 11
Not reproducible on: No other environment tested

1. From the Addresables Package version 2.0.3 the Addressable Hosting window can no longer be opened
2. The expected result is achieved when loading in assets locally (Addressable Groups -> Profile: Default -> Manage Profiles -> Remote -> Set to "Built-in")

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