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Fixed in 2022.1.X

Fixed in 2021.2.X



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[Profiler][AdaptivePerformance] Profiling Adaptive Performance project in Editor hhas some profiling holes



How to reproduce:
1. Open the attached project (it has Adaptive Performance package 3.0.0-pre.2 installed, Thermal Sample downloaded and Simulator Provider enabled)
2. Play Thermal scene in Device Simulator
3. Start Profiling Editor
4. Go to Simulator -> Control Panel -> Change Warning level from no Warning to Throttling Imminent
5. Examine what Profiler shows under Adaptive Performance Row

Actual Result: there are holes in profiler reporting, even if Warning Level is changed to Throttling Imminent, it sometimes shows "`NoWarning"
Expected Result: Warning Level should always stay at Throttling Imminent

Note: issue can be reproduced with other Adaptive Performance settings in Device Simulator, the described one is to show how issue can be easily reproduced

Tested and reproduced: 2021.2.0b1.3027, 2021.2.0a19.2770

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