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Fixed in 0.7.0-preview.1



Found in [Package]


Issue ID




Profile Analyzer - Marker Summary - Marker histogram chart tooltips display incorrect information for the last bucket

Package: Profile Analyzer


How to reproduce:
1. Download the user-submitted data capture(capture.pdata)
2. Create a new Unity project
3. Import the Profile Analyzer package
4. Open the Profile Analyzer window and import the data capture
5. Set the thread to 'Main Thread'
6. Select 'EditorLoop' from the Marker Details section
7. Note the Marker Summary on the right. Top costing frame is 41.5ms
8. Hover over the last bucket in the chart(39.5-41.5ms)

Expected result: the bucket contains 1 frame
Actual result: the bucket contains 0 frames

Reproducible with: 2018.4.20f1, 2019.3.7f1, 2020.1.0b3, 2020.2.0a5
Could not test with: 2017.4.38f1(package unavailable)

Reproducible with package versions: preview.6 - 0.4.0, preview.1 - 0.6.0

  1. Resolution Note (fix version 0.7.0-preview.1):

    Fixed error in the calculation for the buckets

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