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Probuilder UV goes to black when UV's are collapsed on some objects while using the ProBuilderize option

Package: Probuilder


How to reproduce:
1. Open the user-submitted project
2. In the Project window search for the "SM_Prop_Vents_Exhaust_01" asset
3. Drag it into the Scene
4. In the Probuilder Window press "ProBuilderize"
5. Observe the result

Expected result: The Object is "ProBuilderized" correctly with all of its UVs intact
Actual result: The Object's UVs break and the object is completely dark

Reproduced in: 3.0.9, 3.0.0, 2.0.8

  1. Resolution Note:

    When ProBuilder imports a mesh, it tests vertices against a very small value to see if it can safely consider them as coincident. This is done because ProBuilderize does not import mesh files, but rather converts existing mesh data.

    In this case, vertices that were not intended to be coincident were incorrectly flagged due to the import scale placing discrete vertices in the same position. This is what caused the black triangles.

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