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Fixed in 4.3.0-preview.4



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[ProBuilder] Offset in UV editor doesn't update as you're moving the handles

Package: Probuilder


The offset values in the UV editor do not update as you're moving the handle, only after you let go of it.
This is not consistent, as the Tiling values with a similar layout just below does update as you're moving scale handles.

1. Create a new unity project.
2. Install the ProBuilder package. (Window -> Package Manager)
3. Open ProBuilder toolbar. (Tools -> ProBuilder -> ProBuilder Window)
4. Create a new ProBuilder shape. (i.e. CTRL+K or 'New Shape' in ProBuilder toolbar)
5. Select this Probuilder shape, and in the ProBuilder window, click 'UV Editor'.
6. Ensure the UV Mode is Auto.
7. In the UV Editor, ensure that 'Face Selection' is enabled, click on a face and select the 'Move Tool'.
8. Move the selected face with the handles that appear.

Expected Outcome: The Offset X and Y update as you're moving the face.
Actual Outcome: The Offset X and Y only update when you let go of the face.

NOTE: If you switch to the 'Scale Tool' and keep an eye on Scaling X and Y, the values update as you're moving handles, as described in the Expected Outcome.

GIF attached demonstrating this.

Reproducible in package version 4.1.0, 4.0.2, 3.0.0
3.0.0 is the earliest version I can find.
You may have to use earlier versions of unity to test earlier packages.

  1. Resolution Note (fix version 4.3.0-preview.4):

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