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Fixed in 4.5.0



Found in [Package]


Issue ID




[ProBuilder] Box Selection for Vertices does not select all some Vertices when the project is using URP

Package: Probuilder


How to reproduce:
1. Create a new URP Template project
2. Import ProBuilder
3. Create a Shape with a large number of Vertices (A Sphere with 4 subdivisions)
4. Switch to the Vertex Selection mode
5. Draw a Selection around the whole Shape using the mouse cursor

Expected results: All the Vertices inside the Selection Box are selected
Actual results: Some Vertices inside the Selection Box are not selected

Reproducible with: 4.2.1(2018.4.32f1), 4.4.0(2019.4.21f1, 2020.2.7f1)

  1. Resolution Note (fix version 4.5.0):

    Fixed in ProBuilder 4.5.0 which is available in Unity 2018.4 and above

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