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[Preview] GameObject is partially rendered when camera with "Don't clear" flags is moved backwards



Steps to reproduce:
1. Download and open project "camera"
2. Open "Main" scene
3. Select Main camera
4. Play the scene and look at Camera Preview, see attached gif "Camera0.gif"

Notice When moving camera in game scene by negative Z axis, object cube disappears from camera preview. See attached gif "Camera1.gif".

Other notes: When Camera is moved by Z axis to minus and then to other position X or Y axis, object cube appears to render fine, except the last place where it was, when camera has been moved by Z axis. See attached gif "Camera2.gif".
Also when Rendering Path is selected to "Deferred" it looks better when dragging camera by Z axis, but when the mouse key is released it stops rendering cube for a moment.

Reproduced with: 5.2.2p4, 5.3.3p2, 5.4.0b9

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