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Help icon link goes to 2023.2 instead of 2023.3



How to reproduce:
# Create a new project
# Go to "File" ->"Build Profiles"
# Select any platform and create a build profile
# Go to Project ->Assets ->Settings ->BuildProfiles
# Select the newly created build profile
# Go to the "Inspector" tab
# Click a preset icon next to the build profile title in the "Inspector" tab
# Create a build profile preset
# Select the newly created preset in the "BuildProfiles" folder
# Verify, that its data becomes displayed in the "Inspector" section
# Click the help icon (?) next to the preset title
# Observe the result

Actual result: The link opens 2023.2 stream manual page. An attachment (video) is added below in the "Attachments" section.
Expected result: The link should open 2023.3 manuals

Reproducible with:  2023.3.0b1, 2023.3.0b6.
Not reproducible with: 2023.3.0a19.

Link, which opens up: [

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