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Prefabs lose their Textures in the Build when their are Instantiated

Scene Management


Steps to reproduce:
1. Open user's attached project ""
2. Build the project
3. Select an Excavator looking GameObject in the Scene
4. Select one of the options displayed in Canvases
5. Place a GameObject(Building)
6. Notice that the Building does not have any Textures on them

Expected results: Instantiated GameObject are displayed with their Textures
Actual results: Instantiated GameObjects lose their Reference to their Textures

Reproducible with: 2018.3.0b2, 2018.4.7f1, 2019.1.14f1, 2019.2.2f1, 2019.3.0a12

Notes: This issue only exists in the Build. Prefabs brake in this project in versions lower than 2018.3.0b2

  1. Resolution Note:

    The problems comes from user's code changing the shader on the affected object's materials:
    In ButtonManager.cs if the following two section are outcommented the issue does not reproduce.

    foreach (Material mat in bldg.GetComponent<Renderer>().materials)
    mat.shader = Shader.Find("Transparent/Diffuse");
    mat.color = new Color(mat.color.r, mat.color.g, mat.color.b, 0.5f);


    foreach (Material mat in bldg.GetComponent<Renderer>().materials)

    mat.shader = Shader.Find("Standard");
    mat.color = new Color(mat.color.r, mat.color.g, mat.color.b, 1f);

    The problem that the Player behaves differently than in the Editor likely comes down to "Transparent/Diffuse" is not part of the assets build for the Player since it is only referenced by a string here.

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