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Fixed in 2019.3.X



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Polygon Collider 2D is missing Edit Collider button in the Inspector window

Inspector Framework


How to reproduce:
1. Create a new project
2. Create a new gameObject and add the Polygon Collider 2D collider to it
3. Observe Inspector window

Expected result: There is a button next to to the Edit Collider text allowing to edit the collider
Actual result: The button next to to the Edit Collider text is missing meaning the user can't edit the collider

Reproducible with: 2019.3.0a7, 2019.3.0a8
Not reproducible with: 2017.4.29f1, 2018.4.3f1, 2019.1.8f1, 2019.2.0b8, 2019.3.0a6

Comments (1)

  1. ShadowKiller2307

    Sep 16, 2019 15:18

    I have the same issue :(
    But actully the user can edit the collider by tweaking the Points of the collider by hand under the "Points"-menu. This isn't really a solution, just a workaround. It takes much time in order to edit a collider like that

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