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Fixed in 1.1.2



Found in [Package]


Issue ID




Polybrush brush list is not updated when adding a new brush

Package: Polybrush


How to reproduce:
1. Create a new project
2. Install Polybrush package
3. Open Polybrush window (Tools > Polybrush > Polybrush window)
4. Click add brush
5. Click on the brush list

Expected result: The brush list is updated showing the newly added brush
Actual result: Brush list is not updated

Reproducible with: 1.0.2-preview.4, 1.0.2, 1.1.0-pre.1 (2018.4.30f1, 2019.4.18f1, 2020.1.17f1, 2020.2.2f1, 2021.1.0b2, 2021.2.0a1)
Not reproducible with: 1.0.0-preview.13, 1.0.0, 1.0.1, 1.0.2-preview.1 (2018.4.30f1, 2019.4.18f1, 2020.1.17f1, 2020.2.2f1, 2021.1.0b2, 2021.2.0a1)

Workaround: Close and reopen the Polybrush window

  1. Resolution Note (fix version 1.1.2):

    Fixed in: Polybrush 1.1.2

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