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Point Light isn’t fully lighting an area and leaving a square-shaped empty space when it is positioned 100 units away from 0, 0, 0 position and using a custom Terrain Shader



How to reproduce:
1. Open the attached ““ project
2. Open the “Sc_Sample“ Scene
3. Move the “Point Light“ GameObject slightly above the “Terrain01“ GameObject

Expected result: There is no square-shaped empty space
Actual result: An square-shaped empty space appears

Reproducible with: 2021.3.30f1, 2022.3.9f1, 2023.1.12f1, 2023.2.0b8, 2023.3.0a4

Reproducible on: macOS 13.4.1 Ventura (Intel)
Not reproducible on: No other environment tested

- Might need to resize the Game or Scene view windows for the shadow to appear
- The user reported that this issue is reproducible when changing the Rendering Path to Forward and Forward+, but the issue was only reproducible when the Rendering Path was set to Deferred when testing (and only in the Editor)
- Issue only reproduces when Additional Lights is set to Per Pixel in the “URP-HighFidelity“ asset

  1. Resolution Note:

    Thank you for bringing this issue to our attention. Unfortunately, after careful consideration, we will not be addressing your issue at this time, as we are currently committed to resolving other higher-priority issues.
    We acknowledge that the current Terrain system has a number of limitations, so we are currently investing in a large amount of discovery work to determine exactly what is needed most and how we can bring it to you at the quality level you have come to expect and address the most pervasive pain points in the most effective and efficient manner. However, we know each case is different, so please do continue to log any issues you find, and provide general feedback on our roadmap page to help us prioritize.
    Forum to discuss feature requests:

Comments (1)

  1. Bezoro

    Sep 20, 2023 14:56

    I can replicate the issue on standard Unity URP materials as well, not just on a custom terrain shader such as MicroSplat. But for some reason its a lot more pronounced in MicroSplat.

    In the case of Unity's standard URP material make the terrain 10.000 units large and position it at (0, 300, 0) units away from the origin.

    In the case of a custom shader such as MicroSplat it shows up on a 1.000 units large terrain at (0, 300, 0).

    This makes shadowcasting pointlights almost unusable in large worlds.
    I hope we can solve this soon...

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