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Fixed in 14.0.1



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Issue ID




Player.log spammed when Tracing is set to "Ray Tracing"

Package: Scriptable Render Pipeline HD


Reproduction steps:
1. Open the user's attached project ("")
2. Build and Run the project
3. In the context menu of the Console window click "Open Player Log"

Expected result: The message appears in the Player.log once
Actual result: The message is spammed and the Player.log grows in size indefinitely. Full message:
RenderGraph: Not all resources of type ComputeBuffer were released. This can be caused by a resources being allocated but never read by any pass.

Reproducible with: 13.1.2 (2022.2.0a1), 13.1.3 (2022.1.0b2), 13.1.4 (2022.1.0b3)
Could not test: 7.7.1 (2019.4.34f1) (Different Screen Space Reflection), 10.8.1 (2020.3.26f1), 12.1.3 (2021.2.8f1) (Screen Space Reflection is not supported)

1. Tested on Windows 10 i7-8700 NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060
2. Not reproducible in Play mode
3. In 13.1.2 (2022.2.0a1) a different message is spammed:
NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at UnityEngine.Rendering.DebugManager.UpdateActions () [0x00016] in <c43611e27b604c36b09685f76e35eb29>:0
at UnityEngine.Rendering.DebugUpdater.Update () [0x0001f] in <c43611e27b604c36b09685f76e35eb29>:0

  1. Resolution Note (fix version 14.0.1):

    Fixed in: 2022.2.0a8 (HDRP 14.0.1)

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