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Physics.CapsuleCast ignores Mesh Collider when Z-axis of the Capsule matches Z-axis of the Mesh Collider and scale is 1:1:1
Reproduction steps:
1. Open user attached project "CapsuleCast Ignores Mesh"
2. Enter Play Mode
3. Open Scene View
4. Look at the cube in the scene
Expected result: Capsule is green indicating the collision
Actual result: Capsule is red indicating there is no collision
Reproduces on: 2019.4.15f1, 2020.1.15f1, 2020.2.0f1, 2021.1.0a7
Could not test (errors in the project): 2018.4
One of the faces of the Mesh Collider also has to match the plane of the Z-axis position
Workaround: disable Fast Midphase in the MeshCollider cooking options
Comments (2)
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Resolution Note:
An accuracy issue in the implementation of PhysX. As a workaround disable the Fast Midphase in the Mesh Collider cooking options.