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Performance degrades when Unity can't resolve which Light Probe to use for a specifically placed object in Scene

Progressive Lightmapper


How to reproduce:
1. Open the user's attached project ""
2. In the Project tab, open Assets/Scenes/LVL_Desert.unity
3. Open the Profiler (Window > Analysis > Profiler) and make sure that Target Player is set to Playmode
4. Enter Play mode and wait for approx. 2 seconds from when the Profiler starts recording
5. Exit Play mode
6. Click on one of the peaks in CPU Usage in Profiler and make sure that display is set to Hierarchy
7. In the display pane, search for "ExtractRenderNodeQueue" (or find it manually by going to PlayerLoop > Camera.Render > CullResults.CreateSharedRendererScene > WaitForJobGroupID > ExtractRenderNodeQueue)

Expected results: Total amount of time spent on ExtractRenderNodeQueue is less than 1%
Actual results: Total amount of time spent on ExtractRenderNodeQueue is 25-60% (see "profiler.png")

Reproducible with: 2019.4.13f1
Not reproducible with: 2020.1.10f1, 2020.2.0b8, 2021.1.0a2
Could not test with: 2018.4.28f1 due to errors

* The issue seems to be caused by one specifically placed Long Ramp and can be fixed by disabling it (Statics > Ramps > levelprefab_general_stunt_ramp_long_BUGGED_PROBE_BEHAVIOR in Hierarchy tab)
* The issue seems to reproduce on Xbox and Windows Standalone builds, as well as in the Editor
* According to the user, the performance drain is caused by objects for which Unity cannot resolve a Light Probe to use

  1. Resolution Note (2020.1.X):

    The issue could be worked around by adding more light probes around the prefab that's located far from the original probeset and rebaking GI. Moreover, this issue is fixed in the later Unity versions (2020.1 and newer).

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