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Package Manager - Inconsistency with drop down versions



When selecting a package version the dropdown arrow menu is inconsitant.

Dropdown Issues
1. No packages avalible? This displays once you click the dropdown as "There are no other versions for this package". So why enable the drop down?
2. Both a list of packages and a see all versions sub menu menu. Please only have one preferably the list with no submenu.
3. A drop down that displays a see all versions submenu button. User needs to click the subemenu to see versions. Having the user click twice is not graceful.
4. A drop down that has one version which is the same as the parent. This is redundant.

The drop down arrow should display a list of package versions with no submenus. If there are no other versions avalible disable the dropdown. If only one version is avalible disable the dropdown.

  1. Resolution Note:

    Currently, this behavior is by design.

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