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[Package] Exporting a VFX does not include the shader in the export package.

Package: Visual Effect Graph


Exporting a VFX with a ShaderGraph in a Particle/Strip Output does not include the shader in the export package.

Repro steps:
1. Create a new VFX and a new VFX ShaderGraph shader.
2. Open the VFX, and assign the ShaderGraph in the output. Save the VFX asset.
3. In the Project window, right click on the VFX and select 'Export Package'
4. Observe the ShaderGraph shader is not added as a dependency.

Expected outcome:
- VFX ShaderGraphs and their texture assignments to be included as dependencies.

- Mesh Output ShaderGraphs and their texture assignments are included as expected
- Regular texture assignments are also included

  1. Resolution Note:

    No longer reproduces in 2021.2.0b6.3225

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