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Fixed in 12.0.X



Found in [Package]


Issue ID




Output Mesh casts shadows when shadowcasting if off whenever a VFX system is set to cast shadows

Package: Visual Effect Graph


Repro steps:
1. Import the attached package and open the repro scene
2. Observe that both the particles and the capsule are casting shadows.

Expected outcome:
- The capsule to not cast shadows as the Mesh Output's 'Cast Shadows' is 'Off'

- Looks like when 'Cast Shadow' is set to 'On' for the particle output, it overrides the 'Off' of the Mesh Output.
- If the Mesh Output is set to cast shadows, but the particles are not, it works as expected.

  1. Resolution Note (fix version 12.0):

    C++ has landed, waiting for C# to make its way to SRP master.

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