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[OSX Editor] During Playmode, the cursor does not unlock for several windows called out through shortcut.



If the project has cursor lock during play, the user cannot regain control after calling out a window during Playmode.
This happens to windows that are external to Unity. For example, if user call out Build Setting window, which is a native Unity Editor window, the cursor unlocks and everything works well. If user chooses CMD + B (Build...), and a Mac system window shows up, asking for save location and file name, the cursor remains locked.

List of the same situations during Playmode:
- Build (CMD + B)
- Open (CMD + O)
- Calls out Mission Control (Three finger swipe up. See attached image for reference)

1. Launch Unity and open the attached project
2. Open "Main" scene
3. Enter Playmode (make sure the cursor is locked in the game view)
4. Press CMD + B or any action from the list above
5. Try to use mouse and move the cursor.

Expected: Cursor is free to move when a window pops out in Playmode
Actual: Cursor does not unlock when a window shows up in Playmode

Similar bug:
And it is fixed in PR:

  1. Resolution Note (2019.2.X):

    This seems to be fairly uncommon scenario, does not meet the priority bar at the moment

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