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Option to disable automatic update of Android SDKs when silently building



If a silent build(through batch mode) is done, Unity automatically updates SDK whether user wants this or not

Comments (3)

  1. kpaleniu

    Apr 12, 2016 08:56

    There is another issue with the automatic update. If you have Unity on a OSX CI machine that is configured so that build agent does not have right to update Android SDK, the build process becomes stuck in infinite loop trying to update the SDK. This is already bad enough on its own. As an additional pain, the update creates a temporary directory that never gets cleaned up. If left unnoticed, the stuck update process will fill the hard drive.

  2. GuillaumeCL

    Dec 18, 2015 16:02

    Why was this marked as "won't fix"? This seems like something easy enough to do, and something that would absolutely benefit people trying to run builds on a remote server.

  3. rgfreeman

    Mar 25, 2015 17:25

    Please fix it! Why i can't Vote it !?

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