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Fixed in 2019.3.X
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[Occlusion Culling] Occlusion culling system creates too many files in the Library folder and never deletes them
1. Open small project attached by QA (just a scene with some static objects)
2. Bake occlusion culling, save scene
3. Look at no. of files in Library
4. Move some objects and bake occlusion culling again, save scene
5. Look at no. of files in Library
6. Repeat step 4-5 and you will see that the no. files increase a lot and never decrease
Reproducible in: 2019.2.0a6
Take any project with a relatively large scene and take a look at the number of files and the size of the Library folder. Bake Occlusion Culling for the scene and save it. Compare the number of files in the Library folder and their size with the previous numbers.
Move some objects around and rebake occlusion. Clear the baked data and rebake occlusion. Notice that the number of files and the total disk space they take keeps growing and growing at a very fast pace and under no circumstance is it getting lower (meaning we never clear up old data).
This is causing issues on some hard drives formatted as NTFS (like in the case of this bug), where the Library folder has more than 1 million files taking 10 GB. Operating systems don't like that very mush, so we need to find some way of cleaning up the Library folder where possible. (maybe have a Clear cache option similar to the one for Lightmapping)
Comments (4)
Apr 03, 2019 05:30
I think the best workflow would be, that when we click on the CLEAR button in the Occlusion Culling Window, it would delete all bake cash files, since they are clearly not needed any more.
Jan 07, 2019 10:33
what about this issue in unity2018 ?
Mar 15, 2017 19:00
Aug 16, 2016 07:11
I'm having the same issue on Unity 5.4 too. I can't even compress the project for a backup because of this insane amount of Occlusion files, reached more than 8 million!
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Resolution Note (fix version 2019.3):
Fixed in 2019.3.0f6