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[OcclusionCulling] Occlusion Bake doesn't remove old occlusion bake files.
Baking occlusion the old occlusion cache files are not removed.
1. Open scene "BugReporting".
2. Go to Window->Occlusion Culling.
3. Bake occlusion.
4. Go to (Project Folder)/Library/Occlusion, notice the files in folder.
5. In Occlusion Culling change "Smallest occluder" to 0.08.
6. Bake occlusion.
7. Go to (Project Folder)/Library/Occlusion, notice that old occlusion files still exist.
I noticed that occlusion can reuse same occlusion files that had same scene and same options (but it will never be if you always update your scene). And after some time
(Project Folder)/Library/Occlusion folder can be very stuffed.
Reproduced: 5.0.0f4
Comments (4)
Aug 18, 2020 09:45
good one <a href="">lyricsauto</a>
May 27, 2017 18:24
I've noted performance issues if you don't delete them: my hypothesis is that the old files are some how corrupting a clean occlusion bake.
Current deletion takes hours, approximately 4.
Apr 12, 2017 07:34
@JTOWN- what kind of script did you use? I'm having the same issue here- 500k files/thrashes :-/. I was about to move my project folder, but it would copy in 7 hours!! (Unity 5.5.1f1).
Mar 15, 2017 18:59
I had over half a million files sitting in that folder... had to make a script to manually delete them whenever I baked occlusion.
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This is a duplicate of issue #689310