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Fixed in 5.0.X



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Observations about naming of effects



Observations about naming of effects.

- All the effects are ending with the word "effect", e.g. "Echo effect, Reverb effect" and etc. Maybe it would make more sense to rename the "Add..." dropdown to "Add effects..." or "Effects..." - and then rename all the effects to "Reverb, Echo, High pass Filter, Low Pass Filter, Flange, Distortion" and etc.

- Question: How is "SFX Reverb" different from a "Reverb"?

- What is the use case for having two distinct effects like "High Pass Simple" and "High Pass" effect? Would an audio designer not just use "High Pass" effect, where there is an extra parameter to tweak/play with? I know from myself (in Live) that I always avoid the simple sampler named "Simpler" and go for the full advanced instrument named "Sampler"

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