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Not all recent projects are vicible in launcher window



Not all recent projects are vicible in Connect window

1. What happened
Not all recent projects are vicible in Connect window
2. How we can reproduce it using the example you attached
1. Start several Unity's (i've tried 5.3.3f1, 5.4.b3-b8).
2. Create a new project (with/without asset package) in each ot them.
3. Press Open Project in last Unity.
4. You'll see that not all Unitys are shown in Recent Projects.

Actual result: See screenshot attached. Lots of projects are created in folder, but only one of them is reflected in 5.4.0n8.
Expected result: All projects are visible from Recent projects.

Projects, that are not visible, are attached.

Regression since 5.3, works fine in 5.3.3f1.
Tested in 5.4.0b8 (projects in b3-b8).

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