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New objects are not added to scene after update when old object has merge conflict



To reproduce:
1. Set up a project with Collaborate and two developers
2. Developer 1 creates a cube and pushes the change
3. Developer 2 downloads this change
4. Developer 1 and 2 both change the location of the cube
5. Developer 1 adds another cube to the scene (or any other change)
6. Developer 1 commits
7. Developer 2 downloads this change and receives a merge conflict
8. Developer 2 chooses "Choose Mine"

Expected: On the second computer: after 8th step 1st cube location will be the same as it was set in 5th step, and another cube will appear in scene
Actual: cube is not added to scene

Reproduced on: 5.5.0f3, 5.5.3f1, 5.6.0f3, 2017.1.0a6

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