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New items are not added to the Preview Arguments list in the LocalizedString field when pressing the plus icon

Package: Localization Package


How to reproduce:
1. Open the attached '' project and open 'Main Scene'
2. In the Hierarchy window select the 'Scripts' object
3. In the Inspector window under the 'MyScript' component expand 'My String'
4. Expand the 'Preview Arguments' property and click on the plus icon

Expected result: A new item is added to the list
Actual result: No new item is added to the list

Reproducible with: Localization 0.8.0-preview, 0.9.0-preview (2019.4.13f1, 2020.1.12f1, 2020.2.0b10, 2021.1.0a3)
Not reproducible with: Localization 0.7.1-preview (2019.4.13f1, 2020.1.12f1, 2020.2.0b10, 2021.1.0a3)
Cannot test with: Localization 0.7.1-preview, 0.8.0-preview, 0.9.0-preview (2018.4.28f1) (the package versions are not supported), 0.3.1-preview (2018.4.28f1) (due to errors)

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